Wednesday, January 14, 2015

{Organizing~My Embroidery Floss}

The other day on facebook another craft blog that I follow asked it's readers how they organize their embroidery floss. So I wanted to share how I organize mine.
I'm sure most of you know what embroidery floss is, but for those who may not... Embroidery Floss is a thick thread that is used primarily for embroidery. I have used it for embroidery, however right now I use it mainly for other hand-stitching projects, such as my little dolls.  Each color of floss has an assigned number, I'm assuming these were assigned as the colors were made up because they are not in any sort of color system. I only use DMC© brand floss colors because I like the colors and they have a lot more colors to offer and I feel that they are a higher quality thread.
I have used embroidery floss for many, many years.  I started doing cross-stitch back in the late 80's when I was a teenager.  I've done a little bit of embroidery over the years and now use it to hand-stitch my little dolls.  Needless to say, I have collected a lot (pretty much every DMC© color there is) of floss over the years.  I have tried many different way to organize the floss, but this is the way that I have found that I like best.
I have one of these divided boxes for each set of colors... 
Browns, Grays & Black   
Yellow's & Orange's 
Red's & Pink's 
& Green's
I looked up online for a list of embroidery floss by color and then made these sheets to go inside each box.  So when I'm looking for a specific number I can find it listed above, but more likely I'm trying to match the colors to shades of felt that I'm working with so this system works really well for me.
 I also wrote on the outside of the box with a sharpie which colors are in that box, so when I have them stacked like this I can easily pull out the box I need.
Happy Stitching!!!

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