Tuesday, September 3, 2013

{first maxi skirt}

I've finally decided that it's time to start teaching my girls to sew.  Miranda (my 15 year old) is always wanting me to make things for her, so I decided it's time for her to learn to sew for herself.  So, she wanted to make a maxi skirt, so I measured it around her & cut it out and then showed her how to sew it and this is what she came up with. 
I think she did a great job!  I told her to make sure to keep the stripes lined up down the seam and she did a very good job with that too.
Skirts with elastic make a great beginning project for anyone wanting to learn to sew.  And speaking of that, I am putting together a Beginning Sewing Class  for those that are here local, near Gilbert AZ.  I am going to attempt something a little new to me and  make tutorials for the simple projects that we will be making in this class.

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